FaceFX Documentation and support
The publish command is the interface for publishing an actor.
Only one of the following “per-actor” flags can be included with a single call to publish.
Flag | LongFlag | Arg | Description |
-go | -go | No | One-step publishing command. Relies on the options set in the po_* console variables. |
-s | -start | No | Starts the multi-step publishing process. Other calls to the publish command are expected to follow, ending with publish -end. |
-e | -end | No | Ends the multi-step publishing process that was begun by publish -start and writes the output file. |
-cf | ‑collapseFaceGraph | No | Collapses the face graph. |
-rm | -removeMapping | No | Removes the mapping form the actor. |
-rg | ‑removeSpecifiedAnimGroups | No | Removes the animation groups specified with the -gs flag from the published actor. |
-gui | -gui | No | Launches the publishing GUI. |
The following flags are used in conjunction with one of the per-actor flags to specify additional parameters.
Flag | LongFlag | Arg | Description |
-gs | -groups | Yes | Used with the -removeSpecifiedAnimGroups flag. Specifies a string array of animation group names to remove from the published actor. |
-fn | -forceNodes | Yes | Used with the -collapseFaceGraph flag. Specifies a string array of nodes (and corresponding curves) that should be preserved in the published actor. |
-f | -filename | Yes | Used with the -end flag to specify the filename to publish to. |
-tp | ‑targetPlatform | Yes | Used with the -end flag to specify the platform to cook to. Can be “Little Endian” or “Big Endian” |
If a per actor flag is not specified, one or more of the following per-animatThe following flags are used to call the publish command on a specific animation. Multiple operations can be done simultaneously on an animation.
Flag | LongFlag | Arg | Description |
-rt | -removeEventTemplate | No | Removes the event template from the animation. |
-rp | -removePhonWordList | No | Removes the phoneme-word list from the animation. |
-be | -bakeEvents | No | Bakes events to curves. Use the -ids flag to specify event ids. |
-ra | ‑removeAnimEditorOnlyData | No | Removes data like audio path and analysis actor template from the animation. |
The following flags are used in conjunction with the per-animation flags above to specify additional parameters.
Flag | LongFlag | Arg | Description |
-a | -anim | Yes | Specifies the animation name to operate on. |
-g | -group | Yes | Specifies the animation group the animation is in. |
-i | -ids | Yes | Used with -bakeEvents flag. Specifies an array of event IDs to bake into curves. |
All of the commands below could be used together to publish an actor.
publish -start;
publish -removeMapping;
publish -removeAnimEditorOnlyData -removePhonWordList -removeEventTemplate -group "Default" -anim "my_anim1" -bakeEvents -ids "0|1";
publish -removeAnimEditorOnlyData -removePhonWordList -group "Default" -anim "my_anim2";
publish -removeSpecifiedAnimGroups -groups "EventDemo|ExampleGame";
publish -collapseFaceGraph -forceNodes "ImportantCombinerNodeName1|ImportantCombinerNodeName2";
publish -end -filename "C:\MyActor.facefx_ingame" -targetPlatform "Little Endian";