FaceFX Support

FaceFX Documentation and support

previewanim command

Controls the preview skeletal animation.  Requires that a rendersystem is initialized.

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-a -animation No sets the preview animation (for previewing skeletal animations)
-st -startime Yes sets the preview animation start time (for previewing skeletal animations)
-bit -blendintime Yes sets the preview animation blend in time (for previewing skeletal animations). Defaults to 10% of the animation duration.
-bot ‑blendouttime Yes sets the preview animation blend out time (for previewing skeletal animations).  Defaults to 10% of the animation duration.
-l -loop Yes sets the preview animation loop state (for previewing skeletal animations); 0 for off, 1 for on (default is off)


%previewanim -animation "soccer" -loop 1;