FaceFX Support

FaceFX Documentation and support

FaceFX commands - phonlist

The -p option of the phonlist command is for internal FaceFX Studio use only.

Creating an arbitrary phoneme list is possible with the remaining flags by first clearing the existing phonems, then creating a new list one phoneme at a time (sequentially with time) and grouping the appropriate phonemes into words. 

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-p -push No Internal use only.  Fired from GUI.  Direct use not possible.
-c -clear No Clears all phonemes in the list
-a -append No Puts the command in append mode.
-ph ‑phoneme Yes Required in -append mode. The name of the phoneme (in the selected Phonetic Alphabet specified in Tools->Application Options, or SAMPA if the selected alphabet is IPA)
-st ‑startTime Yes Required in -append mode.  The start time (seconds) of the phoneme to append.
-et -endTime Yes Required in -append mode.  The end time (seconds) of the phoneme to append.
-g -group No Puts the command in group mode.
-si ‑startIndex Yes Required in -groupmode.  The index of the first phoneme to group.
-ei -endIndex Yes Required in -groupmode. The index of the last phoneme to group.
-wt -wordText Yes Required in -groupmode. The Word text to group the phonemes.

Warning!  Using the phonlist command incorrectly can result in gaps in the phoneme list which are impossible to correct from the GUI.  When appending phonemes, be sure that the end time of a phoneme exactly matches the start time of the next phoneme. Also be sure to append phonemes sequentially from start to back.


%phonlist -clear 
%phonlist -append -phoneme "H" -startTime 0 -endTime .5
%phonlist -append -phoneme "A" -startTime .5 -endTime 2
%phonlist -group -startIndex 0 -endIndex 1 -wordText "Ha";