FaceFX Support

FaceFX Documentation and support

Key Command

The key command manipulates keys.  It can be in one of 3 modes:

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-e -edit No Puts the command in edit mode for manipulating existing keys.
-i -insert No Puts the command in insert mode for inserting new keys.
-s -select No Puts the command in select mode for selecting keys.
-o -overwrite No Puts the command in overwrite mode for overwriting existing keys.

Selecting and editing are primarily operations done from the GUI, using the cursor position and mouse movements. Knowledge of the key index are required to make effective use of these operations, and no functionality exists to get access to the key indices currently.  As a result, the key command is most effective when used in insert or overwrite mode which are detailed below:

Insert Mode Flags:

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-d -default No Used to specify that the key should be inserted into the currently selected curve(s) and autocompute slope should be turned on. 

Overwrite Mode Flags:

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-e -epsilon Yes The time “window” to use for searching for keys to replace.  Default is 0.5

Overwrite & Insert Mode Flags:

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-ci ‑curveIndex Yes Specifies the index of the curve(s) to insert the key into.  Must be present unless using the -default or -curveName flags.  Designed for FaceFX Studio use only.
-cn ‑curveName Yes Specifies the name of the curve to insert the key into. Can be used instead of -curveIndex when working from script.
-t -time Yes The time of the new key
-v -value Yes The valueof the new key
-si -slopeIn Yes The slope of the curve as it enters the key (ignored if -default is set).
-so -slopeOut Yes The slope of the curve as it exits the key (ignored if -default is set).

Note: specifying an out of bounds curve index can cause a crash in FaceFX Studio versions prior to 2010


// Selects the Squint curve, then inserts a key with a value of 1 at 1.5 seconds. 
// The input and output slopes are autocomputed.   Then the key is replaced
// with another key at value .5.
select -type "curve" -names "Squint";
key -insert -default -time 1.5 -value 1;
key -overwrite -curveName "Squint" -time 1.5 -value .5;