FaceFX Documentation and support
The event command is the interface for dealing with events. It can be in one of several modes:
Flag | LongFlag | Arg | Description |
-a | -add | No | Puts the command in add mode. |
-r | -remove | No | Puts the command in remove mode. |
-e | -edit | No | Puts the command in edit mode. |
-b | -bake | No | Bakes the events specified with -ids. Removes them from the template and adds their influence as curves. |
-nt | -newtake | No | Generates a new random take from the entire template. |
-pt | -partialtake | No | Generates a partial take from a subset of the template’s events. |
-at | -analysistake | No | Generates a new take from the analysis actor’s template, and updates the owned by analysis curves. |
-gc | -groupchildren | No | Makes it so that only one of the animation template’s events will be chosen the “weight” value influencing the chance of being chosen. Turns “Pick One” on. |
-ugc | ‑ungroupchildren | No | The event “weight” value is ignored and all events in the template are spawned based on their probability. Turns “Pick One” off. |
Flag | LongFlag | Arg | Description |
-an | -anim | Yes | The name of the animation whose event template/take we are modifying. The currently selected anim is used if none is specified. |
-gr | -group | Yes | The group of the animation to add or modify. The currently selected group is used if none is specified. |
-ean | -eventanim | Yes | When adding, the animation name of the event to add. |
-egr | -eventgroup | Yes | When adding, the animation group of the event to add. |
-id | -id | Yes | Specifies the unique id of the event to edit or remove. Operations on multiple events are done with multiple commands using batch and execbatch. |
-ids | -ids | Yes | An array of event ids for baking or partial takes. |
-mis | -minstart | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The minimum start range. |
-mas | -maxstart | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The maximum start range. |
-sta | -start | Yes | Used when adding or editing. Equivalent to passing the same value to -mis and -mas |
-mid | -minduration | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The minimum duration range. |
-mad | -maxduration | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The maximum duration range. |
-dur | -duration | Yes | Used when adding or editing. Equivalent to passing the same value to -mid and -mad |
-mim | ‑minmagnitude | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The minimum magnitude range. |
-mam | ‑maxmagnitude | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The maximum magnitude range. |
-mag | -magnitude | Yes | Used when adding or editing. Equivalent to passing the same value to -mim and -mam |
-mibi | -minblendin | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The minimum blendin range. |
-mabi | -maxblendin | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The maximum blendin range. |
-bli | -blendin | Yes | Used when adding or editing. Equivalent to passing the same value to -mibi and -mabi |
-mibo | -minblendout | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The minimum blendout range. |
-mabo | -maxblendout | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The maximum blendout range. |
-blo | -blendout | Yes | Used when adding or editing. Equivalent to passing the same value to -mibo and -mabo |
-prob | -probability | Yes | Used when adding or editing. The probability of this event spawning into the take when it is fired. |
-w | -weight | Yes | Used when adding or editing when the animation is grouping child events. Specifies a weight that influences the events chance of being “picked”. Only valid when “Pick One” is on. |
-pay | -payload | Yes | Used when adding or editing to specify a string to pass as a payload. |
-ind | -inheritdur | Yes | Used when adding or editing to turn on or off the event’s automatic scaling by the parent event’s duration. |
-inm | -inheritmag | Yes | Used when adding or editing to turn on or off the event’s automatic scaling by the parent event’s magnitude. |
-ps | -persist | Yes | Used when adding or editing to turn on or off the event’s persistent flag. |
-ae | -analysisevents | Yes | Used with -analysistake to specify that the analysis events should be added to the template. By default this is not done or you would get duplicates each time an analysis take is performed. (This command is unavailable from the FaceFX Studio GUI) |
-mt | -mintime | Yes | Used with -partialtake to specify a min time range. Events with startTime maximum < minTime will not be included. |
-xt | -maxtime | Yes | Used with -partialtake to specify a max time range. Events with startTime minimum > maxTime will not be included. |
%event -group "Default" -anim "myAnim1" -add -eventgroup "Default" -eventanim "myAnim2" -start 2.5 -persist "true";