FaceFX Support

FaceFX Documentation and support

FaceFX Commands - batch and execBatch

The batch and execBatch commands are used to tell FaceFX not to update the user interface while performing a group of commands. This can speed up batch file execution a great deal. The execBatch command is followed by one or more of the following flags which specify what elements of the GUI should not be updated: addednodes, removednodes, editednodes, addedcurves, removedcurves, changedmapping, editedcurves, changedanimation.

Be aware that you can not have nested batch and execBatch commands, and every batch command must be followed by an execBatch.  If you are trying to run a script from inside another script this can be one common cause of script failure.  Executing a script that does not terminate a batch command properly is particularly dangerous because the GUI is not updated properly which can expose the applications to situations that are prevented otherwise.


The batch command signifies the beginning of the batch operation.  There are no flags.


The exec batch command executes all of the commands since the batch command.

Flag LongFlag Arg Description
-an -addednodes No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for added nodes.
-rn -removednodes No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for removed nodes.
-en -editednodes No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for edited nodes.
-ac -addedcurves No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for added curves.
-rc -removedcurves No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for removed curves.
-ec -editedcurves No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for edited curves.
-cm ‑changedmapping No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for changed mapping.
-ce -changedevents No Specifies that no GUI updates should occur for changed events.


The batch command is issued at the start of the group of commands and the execBatch command is issued at the end as follows:

graph -addnode -nodetype "FxCombinerNode" -name "Node A";
graph -addnode -nodetype "FxCombinerNode" -name "Node B";
graph -link -from "Node A" -to "Node B" -linkfn "linear";
execBatch -editednodes;